Paleo Recipe Book-Brand New Paleo Cookbook.
This cookbook is built to be a comprehensive one
that will guide you through just about any type of
food preparation possible. I want this to be the only
cookbook you will ever need to follow a Paleo diet.
I understand the need to prepare meals quickly or
with the least involvement possible. I also understand that not everybody enjoys spending hours
in the kitchen and that the need to prepare all your
food can seem like a chore. For this reason, most
recipes found in this book are quick and simple to
prepare and don’t require any special equipment.
I invite you to print out your favorite recipes, take
notes, tweak the recipes to your own tastes, substitute similar ingredients or just generally experiment,
use your creativity and have fun around the act of
cooking food. Preparing and eating food should be
a relaxing activity and a time to unplug from the
hectic lives many of us live. Most of the time, vegetables, meats and fats can be substituted for different
choices for an equally great result. Experience will
tell you which flavors marry well together.
This book is written with a global scope in mind to
accommodate people with diverse backgrounds
and food choices. None of the recipes you’ll find in
here will call for any type of grain, legume, added
sugar or vegetable oil, which are the main problem
causing foods in today’s society.
Many recipes call for sea salt and freshly ground
black pepper, but it is at your entire discretion
whether you want to use those seasonings or not.
Most people following a Paleo diet chose to include
some good quality sea salt in their meals from time
to time and this is perfectly healthy as long as it’s
kept to a reasonable amount. Black pepper is also a
healthy spice, but some people with a fragile digestive system might want to refrain from it.
A lot of the recipes shared around the Paleo diet circles include liberal amounts of foods like honey or
almond flour while foods like butter fat and vinegars
are shunned upon with the idea that we should accurately mimic what our ancestors did. It’s always
important to remind ourselves that we are seeking
perfect health, not a perfect ideology. Even more so,
we will never know for sure what our ancestors ate.
For this reason, we should not only consider our past
when choosing the best food for our health, but also
what food does to our bodies and hormones on a
biochemical level.
It’s only when we take both optics at the same time
that we see that foods like honey and high amounts
of nuts, while sometimes available to our ancestors,
can be a source of problems on the diet. We know
that most nuts are high in Omega-6 fats and have
some possible gut irritant properties and that honey
is very high in the sugar fructose, which should be
kept to a minimum on a healthy diet. Of course, it’s
important to be able to knock your socks off from
time to time and enjoy baked treats or sweeter options while also knowing that you aren’t eating toxic
or damaging food of any kind. It’s for this reason that
some recipes for healthy baked goods are included
in this book.
For their part, foods like butter fat and vinegars are
similar to what our genes evolved with. Pure butter
fat, without the milk solids, is very similar to the fat
tissues of ruminants and is therefore highly beneficial. Of course, dairy was not part of the diet of our
Paleolithic ancestors and some people experience
great health improvements from removing it from
their diet, but it’s not to say that people can’t enjoy
some dairy products without problems. None of the
recipes in this book call for dairy products except for
the possible inclusion of butter or clarified butter.
Clarified butter should be chosen instead of butter
in the case where the minimal milk constituents in
butter could possibly be a source of problems. Also
note that almost all the recipes are very flexible
in that any type of cooking fat can be used interchangeably, but exception is made for recipes such
as Hollandaise sauce or cinnamon baked apples,
where butter or clarified butter are better choices
taste wise.Eating healthy and stay healthy. To find out more press click here.
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